Tag Archives: over-training

HomeBodyFit’s Top Ten Ways to Sabotage your Fitness Goals

not enough sleep

I am a big believer in moderation. I am continually guiding my clients towards a happy balance, which includes avoiding UNDER-training as well as OVER-training.  But in addition to finding the optimal fitness routine and schedule, one must also get enough sleep, eat the right foods (at the right time), etc. If you’re feeling that you are not getting the results you desire, perhaps you are sabotaging your “happy balance” with these common mistakes.

To help, here are my “Top Ten Ways to Sabotage your Fitness Goals”.

1. UNDER-training Aim for three one-hour sessions a week. Anything less and you will not get sufficient results.

2. OVER-training – Your muscles need time to recover after a vigorous workout. It is during this time of recovery that your muscles are growing stronger.

3. Eating too many processed foods – Feed your body whole foods as much as possible. They have the most nutrition, which is what your body needs to fuel those intense workouts and repair muscles.

4. Not eating enough protein – I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, your body needs protein to recover and build muscle. The amount depends on your weight and the intensity of your program. And don’t forget to have protein within an hour following your workouts.

5. Not getting enough sleep – For one, if you’re tired, you won’t get the most out of your sessions, and two it is while we are asleep that our bodies are focused on repair.

6. Not drinking enough water – Being dehydrated will sabotage your sessions. Invest in a one-litre water bottle and aim to empty it twice each day.

7. Stress eating or comfort eating – Always aim to eat when you are hungry and stop before you’re full. Beyond this you are eating emotionally rather than rationally. However, being too strict with your eating is unreasonable and simply no fun. Allow yourself one cheat meal a week.

8. Having too much alcohol at once – Hangovers make for terrible workouts and booze is dehydrating and high in calories. Once again, moderation is the key.

9. Forgetting to stretch – Stretching lowers stress and helps the body recover, meaning you won’t be too sore for the next workout!

10. Stressful life – Did you know that the body releases a hormone (cortisol) while under stress? This hormone causes the body to store fat and it also breaks down muscle. Find ways to reduce stress and release it from your body. My favourite way is to exercise. It is unselfish “me time”.

Interested in in getting more out of your workouts? Contact HomeBodyFit for at-home fitness and meal plans.