Tag Archives: Mountain Climbers

Burn an extra 300+ calories a day in just 4 minutes

How to do Mountain Climbers

How to do Mountain Climbers

Mountain Climbers are an incredibly challenging exercise, but they are worth it! They scorch calories, boost your metabolism, pump up your heart rate and strengthen legs and core muscles. And the best part is…you can do them anywhere!

Even if you only do one HomeBodyFit circuit, (below) you’ll boost your calorie burn for the day – 300+ calories worth!

How to do Mountain Climbers

  1. Come to a push-up position with your knees off the floor and your hands shoulder-width apart. Your hands should be positioned slightly ahead of of your shoulders and your fingers pointed forward.
  2. Bring one foot forward like a lunge and place it on the floor under your chest with your thigh towards your chest. Keep your other leg straight and strong and your toes are tucked under with your heel up. Engage your abdominal muscles to stabilize your spine and pull your shoulder blades down and back.
  3. With your hands firmly on the ground, abdominal muscles engaged and shoulders strong, jump to switch leg positions. Both feet leave the ground as legs switch positions. Repeat at maximum intensity for best results.

HomeBodyFit Tabata Mountain Climbers – Advanced

Work this circuit into your next session. All you need is a stopwatch. Remember, for best results you need to perform these at maximum intensity. 

Perform mountain climbers (engaging your abdominal muscles and keeping your shoulders strong) for 20 seconds. Rest or 10 seconds. Repeat 8 times.

Interested in starting an at-home fitness program and meal plan? Contact HomeBodyFit for a FREE Consultation.