Did you know that just hearing that others “can do it” can greatly influence your fitness performance? According to the journal of Psychology of Sport and Exercise, motivation from others can have a very powerful effect on one’s exercise duration and intensity.

The study went like this:
A group of 68 participants were split into two groups and asked to hold a plank for as long as possible. After finishing, the first group was told that a similar group had held their planks for 20 percent longer. The second group was given no feedback.
Following this, the two groups were asked to perform a second plank, again for as long as possible. The researchers found that the first group (who had received the feedback) rated their confidence at 45 percent before the first plank and nearly 60 percent before the second plank, holding their planks for 5 percent longer; whereas the second group’s hold time dropped 18 percent.
Essentially, the study found that if you learn or observe that your peers are doing well, you’re more likely to believe you can too.
So seek out influential stories, talk to friends and family about their fitness efforts and workout in pairs and groups. These can all help boost your confidence and enhance your performance…and don’t forget to let others know about your accomplishments!
Learn more about our couples and group fitness programs including Burlington Body Camp (drop-in tonight for only $15)
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