Category: Weight-loss

Want fast results? Add this exercise to your routine.

Make jump squats a part of your exercise sessions. Why? You’ll get results…fast! As well, they benefit your entire body (including your posterior chain and core) and they are an excellent boost to your overall fitness. How to do jump squats Step one: With your knees shoulder width apart, bend your knees slightly, keeping your back straight. Squat down. Step two: Immediately jump upwards off […]

Why eating guidelines are better than diets

At HomeBodyFit, we’re proprietors of the food journal. People are often unaware of what (and how much) they’re eating and food journaling is a great way to change that! When we begin training, we give our clients the option of submitting a food journal after the first week. What we find is – like many of us – our clients eat subconsciously, taking snacks here and […]

Pack more work into tonight’s workout than most people do in a week

Did you know that an intense 4-minute high intensity exercise interval (e.g. burpees, mountain climbers, push-ups, jump lunges, etc.) is just as effective – if not more effective – at increasing aerobic fitness and improving muscular endurance than 30-minutes on the treadmill?  At Burlington Body Camp, we take fitness to the next level! For each workout, we string together a series of these body-weight interval training circuits. […]

Why cheating is good for you!

At HomeBodyFit, we’re advocates of the “cheat meal.” We recommend to our clients one “cheat meal” (or “cheat day” depending on the their fitness and eating plan) during which they can eat their favourite foods without feeling like they are disrupting their weight-loss goals. In fact, a “cheat meal” is vital to their success. But how can eating something that is bad […]

Start your weekend with a workout! Drop-in boot camp this Saturday morning

“I honestly saw better results with two sessions of your boot camp a week than I did with 4 sessions of TRX, bodyflex and spinning a week.”  – Stephanie Start the weekend right with a full-body workout. Our workouts target all the major muscle groups and leave you feeling energized and ready to take on the weekend. […]

Take your workout outside! Burlington Body Camp’s next session starts tomorrow

Enjoy the beautiful summer weather AND get in shape with Burlington’s most comprehensive boot camp. The benefits are astonishing: Just seeing the colour green can make you feel more energized Affordable (only $12/class) Scorches calories (with high intensity circuits) Strength Training (with battle ropes, hand weights, etc.) Resistance runs (with exercise bands and hill runs) Build confidence (you […]

Have you tried Resistance Band Drills? Burn fat and increase speed and conditioning

At HomeBodyFit we like to continually challenge our clients with effective exercises and equipment. One of our favourite (high-intensity interval training) drills is Resistance Band Runs. Why? Band runs: Are very effective cardio fat burners Are excellent for muscle conditioning Are challenging, making normal running easier Promote speed and endurance Tone the main muscles of the legs and the core — […]

Take some time for yourself and join Burlington Boot Camp

Is the daily grind starting to take its toll?  Do you need a pick-me-up after Monday morning and mid-week? Forget the couch and forget the bar. We have a convenient and positive way to jump-start your battery. Burlington Body Camp. We’re a one-hour, twice a week, full-body boot camp located at Sidrebene Park (5100 Appleby Line). The benefits […]