Author: Matt

Want fast results? Add this exercise to your routine.

Make jump squats a part of your exercise sessions. Why? You’ll get results…fast! As well, they benefit your entire body (including your posterior chain and core) and they are an excellent boost to your overall fitness. How to do jump squats Step one: With your knees shoulder width apart, bend your knees slightly, keeping your back straight. Squat down. Step two: Immediately jump upwards off […]

Why eating guidelines are better than diets

At HomeBodyFit, we’re proprietors of the food journal. People are often unaware of what (and how much) they’re eating and food journaling is a great way to change that! When we begin training, we give our clients the option of submitting a food journal after the first week. What we find is – like many of us – our clients eat subconsciously, taking snacks here and […]

9 Delicious Whey Protein Recipes

by Stephanie Smith, Looking to bump up your protein intake? Trade in the shake and embrace the bake with these 9 recipes from the athletes of Optimum Nutrition! See all 9 recipes (including Mocha Cappuccino Cinnamon Brownies, above) here [useful_banner_manager banners=4 count=1]

Carb up the right way with these sweet potato recipes

by Shannon Clark If there’s one must-have complex carb you should stock in your pantry and include in your fitness nutrition plan, it’s the seemingly humble sweet potato. Depending on how they’re prepared, sweet potatoes can satisfy your craving for something savory or sweet without derailing your diet plan. See all seven recipes including: […]

Pack more work into tonight’s workout than most people do in a week

Did you know that an intense 4-minute high intensity exercise interval (e.g. burpees, mountain climbers, push-ups, jump lunges, etc.) is just as effective – if not more effective – at increasing aerobic fitness and improving muscular endurance than 30-minutes on the treadmill?  At Burlington Body Camp, we take fitness to the next level! For each workout, we string together a series of these body-weight interval training circuits. […]

What to eat before a workout

At HomeBodyFit we encourage our clients to have a healthy snack before every workout and we’re often asked for ideas. Here are a few pointers to remember when putting together your pre-workout snack: 1. Carbs are your pre-workout friends. Choose a mixed bag of complex and simple ones for a slow and steady release of energy throughout your routine. Try […]